Young Leaders begin three year journey


33 youths from around the country have embarked on a three year journey in preparations to become informed leaders within their communities and to answer to the call of the nation for the 2014 general elections.

The 33 young leaders were part of the Citizen Constitutional Forum’s National Youth forum which was conducted over five days in Nadave last week. The youth were put through an intense and in-depth program to become better leaders.

Coming from a wide cross section of society, the youth are also being groomed to be at the forefront in advocating against racism and to promote multiculturalism, values of human rights and respect for all within our diverse communities. They have also been given detailed information on the various operations of government and the implementation of the pillars of the Peoples Charter through a presentation from the Strategic Framework for Change Coordinating Office.

CCF Chief Executive Office Reverend Akuila Yabaki stressed to the youths that the time to build bridges, which will ensure racial harmony and tolerance amongst the people is now, not tomorrow, but now.


“Youths of today will form the foundations of Fiji’s future as they hold the key in bridging the gap between the various sectors of our society. The values, morals and ethics the youth of today will entrench in their children in years to come will also form the foundations of racial harmony, tolerance and multiculturalism.” stated Reverend Yabaki.

“Empowering youth of today to make informed and well founded decisions will also reflect on the outcome of democratic elections in Fiji in 2014 as the youth, who make up a large portion of Fiji population, will have to decide who they want to represent them and their views in the House of Representatives.”

The CCF will closely monitor and work with the 33 youth over the next three years in the lead up to the 2014 elections.


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