Support Historic UN Resolution

Postdate: 17/ 06/ 2011

The Citizens’ Constitutional Forum has written to the Heads of Missions’ of Pacific island countries at the United Nations including Fiji and to Heads of Missions’ in Geneva to support the UN resolution on ending human rights violation with specific focus based on sexual orientation and gender identity.

CCF CEO Reverend Akuila Yabaki says this is a historic resolution, presented by South Africa, which affirms the universality of human rights, and notes concern about acts of violence and discrimination based on sexual orientation and gender identity.

The UN Resolution report has found that during the past 18 months, 31 lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender persons havebeen murdered in one country alone. On 14 January 2011 a lesbian woman was allegedly “strangled with a wire, tortured and raped for five hours by [an acquaintance] who intended to ‘turn her straight’.”

“Although issues of sexual orientation and gender identity are sensitive issues for many States, we trust we can all agree that no human being should face violence, torture, stigmatisation and abuse, on any ground, says Reverend Yabaki.

“In this regard we have written to the member states stressing the need for the resolution to be passed and adopted. The UN Resolution also seeks to ensure that efforts are made at the national level to protect the rights of minority groups and protect them from such inhumane treatment.” “If passed, this will be the first UN resolution ever to bring specific focus on human rights violations based on sexual orientation and gender identity.

The vote will take place on June17th (June 18th Fiji Time) at the United Nations Human Rights Council in Geneva and CCF urges all representatives from Pacific Island States to support the resolution.

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