Students Addressing National Issues Through Essay Competition


The Citizens constitutional forum’s National Essay Competition has been hailed as an avenue for students to express themselves and get to better understand national issues which affect them and their communities.

In its third year running, CCF’s 2011 Essay Competition saw a record number of 184 entries from schools all around Fiji and after a rigorous vetting process and Independent marking system, Form Five student Ruci Rokowati of Pundit Vishnu Deo Memorial School in Lautoka was awarded the first prize. Second prize was awarded to Merelita Qiolevu of Assemblies of God High while Xavier College student Aron Prakash did his school proud with the third prize.               

Based on the theme “Promoting Multiculturalism” and with the topic, “The importance of Good Citizenship in a Multiracial Fiji,” Ruci’s essay captured the concepts, stressing the need for mutual respect and understanding for a truly diverse Fiji.

“I could not believe it when I was told by my form Teacher that I had won the CCF’s National Essay Competition” said an elated Ruci when CCF CEO Reverend Akuila Yabaki presented her with her winning certificate and $150 prize money.

Ruci believes such competitions are vital to bring about unity and understanding amongst the people of Fiji and is a great learning opportunity as well for all students.

CCF CEO Reverend Akuila Yabaki says the aim of CCF sponsored “Promoting Multiculturalism” Essay Competition is to provide a unique opportunity for students at  this age level to take part in a national educational initiative, to develop students’ understanding of good citizenship in a multiracial Fiji and its importance and to encourage young people to develop a sense of respect for others and to be responsible law-abiding citizens of the country living peaceably  with each other.

CCF intends to continue with its national essay competition in 2012.For further information, pictures of the winners and the essays please contact the communications team at

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