Response to the Attorney General’s comment on the CCF 2013 Fiji Government Constitution Booklet

07th April 2014.

The Citizens’ Constitutional Forum (CCF) has not received any official complaint from the AG’s office regarding the CCF 2013 Fiji Government Constitution booklets.

CCF’s intention is to educate the citizens of their rights and responsibilities as citizens of Fiji. The booklet is a summary of the constitution and is intended to break down the legal language in a simple way, which is easy to understand.  It does not seek to compete with government nor does it intend to replace the government constitution.

CCF has engaged in positive dialogue with the Electoral Commission in regards to voter education and looks forward to working with the Electoral Commission voter education team in educating Fijians on the new voting system in the lead up the September elections.

CCF extends an invitation to the AG and others to discuss the content of the booklet or any other issue concerning CCF’s work. If the AG has concerns regarding CCF’s workshops he is most welcome to attend.

CCF invites the Honorable minister to contact the organisation directly before addressing the media on any issues of concern.


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