Public Lecture On Peace Journalism and the Media -Today 29th November

Postdate: 29/ 11/ 2010

A leading expert in “peace media”, Dr. Jake Lynch, will be presenting a Public Lecture tonight, Monday 29th November, 2010, on the topic “Peace Journalism and the Media – Challenges and Opportunities.”

The public lecture followed by a panel discussion will held at the JJ’s On the Park 2nd Floor Conference Room between 6.30pm and 8.30pm. It is being organized by the Citizens’ Constitutional Forum (CCF) and a special invitation is being extended to the members of the media to cover the event and to also share in the very interesting perspectives shared by Dr. Jake Lynch.

“This lecture, following a two day workshop with members of Civil Society and Non-Governmental Organizations who are involved in media advocacy, is not only relevant in the context of Fiji and the changing landscape of media here, but will provide an excellent opportunity for journalists and purveyors of media advocacy to consider creative and effective approaches to news presentation as an alternative to the hard hitting advocacy writing that has been the modus operandi for years,” says CCF CEO Reverend Akuila Yabaki.

Reverend Yabaki added that, “the imposition of the Media Industry Decree and the ongoing imposition of the PER has had a huge impact on advocacy approaches by NGOs and news media here.  With the view to a way forward  we need to focus on peace building rather than head-on “fight “ language which very often burns bridges rather than building them.”

Members of the public with an interest in the role of the media are welcome to   attend the public lecture. An opportunity for an interview with Dr Jake Lynch will be available at the end of the lecture after the panel discussion.

Attached is a flyer of the public lecture. For further information please contact CCF on phone: 3308379 and speak to Mosmi Bhim who can be contacted on mobile 9201220.

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