Public Emergency Regulations 2009 Must Be Lifted To Allow Media Industry Development Decree 2010 To Be Tested

Postdate: 4/ 03/ 2011

The Citizens’ Constitutional Forum is concerned that the ongoing imposition of the Public Emergency Regulation (PER) is not allowing the Media Industry Development Decree to be tested, resulting in the muzzling of free speech and expression of opinion which will lead to the emergence of blog sites as the only resort for political opinion and news for the citizens, the state and political opinion makers. 

Rev. Yabaki said, “A free, fair and open media without the constraints of censorship will allow for freedom of expression for all citizens to debate issues reasonably and openly.”

He added that, “the Media Decree which came into place in June 2010 should be given space to be tested and this can only happen when the PER is lifted”.

Reverend Akuila Yabaki
Chief Executive Officer

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