Proposed Workshops

Upcoming EventsThe Education Team workshop will start in mid Feb.

We will be continuing  working with the 3 provinces which is Ra, Tailevu & Naitasiri with the inclusion of the new province from the west, Ba.

There will be 3 Community Leaders workshop in Ba. Two for the I Taukei Community Leaders and one for the Advisory Councilors .

 The first Community Leaders  is, for the Vanua Tavua (consist of Tikina Tavua, Tikina Qaliyalatina & Tikina Savatu) and the proposed workshop dates on the 21st of February ,2012- (21/01/2012), venue is the Tavualevu Community Hall.

The second Community Leaders is, for the Vanua Ba ( consist of Tikina Nalotawa, Tikina Naloto & Tikina Magodro) has the proposed dates on the 22nd Feb,2012- (22/01/2012)and the venue is yet to be confirmed.

The third workshop is for the Advisory Councilors in Ba and the proposed workshop dates is on the 23rd The third workshop is for the Advisory Councilors in Ba and the proposed workshop dates is on the 23rd Feb,2012- (23/02/2012) and the venue is still to be  confirmed

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