Press Conference on NGOs submission to CERD

Postdate: 23/ 01/ 2008

A Press Conference will be held at the Citizens’ Constitutional Forum (CCF) office, to disseminate the contents of the non-government organisations’ ‘Submission to the Committee on the Elimination of Racial Discrimination (CERD) Concerning the Republic of the Fiji Islands’.

The Press Conference will take place on:

Date: Thursday, 24 January 2008,
Where: CCF Office, 25 Berry Road, Suva.
Time: 2.30pm

A copy of the CERD submission will be available for viewing during the Press Conference and the reason, history and background of the CERD reporting will also be provided. A summary of the findings will also be made available.

For further information, please contact CCF on ph: 3308379, fax: 3308380.


Rev Akuila Yabaki

Chief Executive Officer

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