Government Must “Walk the Talk” on Elections Promise.

The Citizens’ Constitutional Forum wants the government to deliver on its election promise following the recent government statements that voter registration for the planned 2014 General Elections will commence in early 2012.

“CCF is still concerned that while talks of voter registration is now in the public domain, the people of Fiji remain in the dark on whether any concrete steps are being taken to formulate Fiji’s next Constitution” says CCF CEO Reverend Akuila Yabaki.

“We call on the government to take heed of the recommendations of the National charter Advisory Council and also fast track the Constitutional processes.”

“Confirmation that the voting age is to be reduced to 18 is also a positive indicator which would require nationwide civic education programs. Thus, there is an urgent need for the Bainimarama government to also inform the people of Fiji on the processes which will be followed in formulating the Constitution,” says Rev Yabaki.

“We also reiterate our call for the government to initiate an inclusive and independent Political Dialogue as the first concrete step towards reaching a consensus on how the Constitutional process is to be initiated and on the electoral system to be used in the planned 2014 elections.”

“This strengthens our call for government to remove the Public Emergency regulation to allow free and open dialogue and consultation amongst key stakeholders in this critical process.”

 “CCF is also of the view that in the process of fast tracking the electoral reform process, no stones are to be left unturned in ensuring, that come elections in 2014, no eligible voter is left out from having a say on who they want to run the next government” stresses Rev Yabaki.

“CCF remains committed to voter education and will use all available resources to ensure and encourage participation by all Fijians and that they are fully versed with their rights and responsibilities in the electoral process.

CCF continues its call for the government to adhere to Article 21 of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights which states that “Everyone has the right to take part in the government of his country, directly or through freely chosen representatives.

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