Government must act on Lowy Poll results.

The Citizens’ Constitutional Forum calls on the Bainimarama government to immediately remove the Public Emergency Regulation and initiate steps for a constructive and critical Political dialogue process if it is confident of the findings of the Lowy Institute Survey “Fiji at Home and in the World.”

“The report must prompt the Bainimarama government to take concrete steps towards holding democratic elections and the first step would be to remove the PER and call for open and inclusive dialogue on the Constitutional and electoral reform processes”, stated CCF CEO Reverend Akuila Yabaki.

“Any such moves, based on the Governments confidence in the Lowy report, would also be a clear indication to international partners that there is room for critical engagement as they have stated time and time again that they stand ready to provide financial and technical support for free and fair elections to be conducted in Fiji” says Reverend Yabaki.

“ Financial and technical assistance from international partners is vital for genuine democratic processes and systems to be put in place so that the people of Fiji can gain confidence that the time will soon arrive for them to elect their next government.”

“The opportunity to take these steps, to inform the people of Fiji on their roles and responsibilities in the lead up to elections and ensure an inclusive consultation process can be implemented, is glaring in the face of the Bainimarama government and they must not let it pass” stated Reverend Yabaki.

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