Education Programme

Education enhances lives, and better equips people with knowledge and skills necessary to make informed decisions in everyday life. Education is one of CCF’s major roles. CCF’s Education Program is committed to promoting peace and multiculturalism where people live in equality and respecting the rule of law.

Aim: Empowering people to acquire knowledge and understanding about democracy, human rights and responsibilities, citizenship and good governance to be able to make informed decisions in the governance of their lives.

Target areas: Tailevu, Naitasiri and Ra

Program Activities

Good Governance and Human Rights Education

Community Workshops

Aims to educate the community to have greater understanding of democracy, human rights and responsibilities, citizenship and good governance, for active citizen participation in the governance of their lives.Targeting all ethnic groups, both urban and rural communities.

Community Leaders Workshops

Targeting key leaders in the communities to gain understanding of democracy, human rights and responsibilities, citizenship and good governance and incorporating these concepts in their leadership roles in their respective groups and communities.

NGOs Capacity Building

Building capacity of NGOs, CSOs, faith based organizations, community based organizations through training to acquire better understanding of their roles as NGOs in promoting democracy and human rights and responsibilities, citizenship and good governance in their own organizations and communities and applying the concepts in their community development work.


Curriculum – collaborative work with the Ministry of Education, contributing to the development of civic education curriculum promoting democracy and rights and responsibilities, multiculturalism and good governance.

School visits – reinforcing the message in primary, secondary and tertiary levels.


Promoting the core message on human rights and responsibilities, democracy and good governance through youth forums in the target communities.

Countering Racism and Promoting Multiculturalism

Advocacy for multiculturalism, cross cultural education, peace and stability through community training, youth groups, community based organizations, and essay competitions in schools.

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