Differences should form the basis for sharing resources: Yabaki tells youth

Postdate: 7/ 05/ 2010

The diversity of people in Fiji is not a problem; it is an asset that can form the basis for living together in a multicultural society.

This is the message from Rev Akuila Yabaki, Chief Executive Officer of the Citizens’ Constitutional Forum (CCF), to over 40 young people who will take part in the ‘CCF Youth Forum 2010’ being held next week from 10-14 May 2010 at the CATD (Centre for Appropriate Technology and Development) in Nadave, Tailevu. The theme of the forum is ‘Young People in Diversity and Dialogue’.

The media is invited to cover the event. Note that the opening address will be presented by Rev Yabaki on Monday, 10 May at 10.30am. The closing address and certificates will be presented by the Director of Youth and Sports on Friday, 14 May at 10.50am. A copy of the program and background information, is attached.

“Our differences should form the basis for sharing of resources between different cultural groups. Our differences can be a source of enrichment and the basis for a unique national identity for Fiji,” Rev Yabaki said. Rev Yabaki reiterated that the ‘CCF Youth Forum 2010’ will focus on CCF’s vision for Fiji, which is: 
‘A nation in which all of Fiji’s people live together in equality, justice and peace, respecting the rule of law, under a Constitution that guarantees democracy and human rights’.

The objectives of the youth forum are to: engage young people on relevant issues relating to human rights, good governance and citizenship; encourage an understanding of the basics of multiculturalism; and develop better interaction and networking among participants and organisations. 

A selection of guest speakers and resource persons from the government, non-government organisations and stakeholders, will present on social issues affecting young people. Participants include youth leaders from the provinces Tailevu, Naitasiri and Ra, from the age group 16-25 years. For further information, contact CCF on ph: 3308379 or fax: 3308380.

Rev Akuila Yabaki
Chief Executive Officer

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