Communications and Media Advocacy


hr dayThe Citizens’ Constitutional Forum (CCF) has a two-pronged approach to achieving its objectives. They are advocacy and education. These two methods complement each other. Education focuses on introducing grassroots communities to basic concepts of human rights, good governance, citizenship and the national budget.

Advocacy, however, takes it to another level where the organisation actively promotes these principles to the public through the news media, speeches, advertising and information and entertainment programmes. Over the past few years, CCF has also started utilizing social media sites for its advocacy campaigns and press releases through establishing a page on Facebook to generate discussion and debate on national issues and also utilizing Youtube to publish strategic adverts on Human Rights issues.

The most visible form of advocacy by CCF is where comments are made by the Chief Executive Officer (CEO) – as the official spokesperson of CCF – to the media, and media releases are issued on important matters.

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CCF has a range of advocacy activities that utilise the print media in Fiji. These include:

  • media releases
  • opinion articles
  • newspaper supplements
  • advertisement on commemorative events
  • Tutaka – CCF quarterly newsletter
  • Brochures and pamphlets
  • Books and other publications.


Radio reaches its audience instantly through sound, and is by far, the cheapest, fastest, and most effective way to disseminate information to the largest number of people living in the remotest parts of Fiji. The following advocacy activities of CCF utilises radio:

  • media releases
  • advertisements on human rights, good governance and racism
  • sponsorship
  • production of radio plays in English, Fijian and Hindi languages.


Television was introduced to Fiji more than 15 years ago. The advent of television changed the lifestyles of Fiji’s population with the younger generation feeling more connected to the rest of the world. Television remains the most expensive medium for advocacy, reaching particular targeted audiences. The following advocacy activities of CCF utilises television:

  • media releases
  • selective advertising
  • documentary
  • movie

Social Media

CCF is also on social media . Join us on facebook    images

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