FIJI appears to be on track to submit its report to the United Nations on the Convention of the Elimination of Racial Discrimination.

Talks between the State and Non-Government Organisations on Wednesday discussed the preparedness of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs to deliver the report.

Governments are expected to report on CERD activities every two years.

The NGO Shadow Report on CERD should be delivered, at the latest, four months after the State.

Fiji’s Roving Ambassador, Litia Mawi, was accompanied by representatives of critical ministries and departments – iTaukei affairs, Land, Justice, Labour, Police, prime Minister’s Office and the Public Service Commission – at the talks hosted by the UN Office of the High Commission for Human Rights.

NGO groups at the event included CCF, Fiji Women’s Rights Movement, fem’Link, the National Council of Women, Catholic Women’s League, Fiji Council of Social Services, Soqosoqon Vakamaramama, ECREA, FWCC and the Fiji Nursing Association.

Ms Mawi told participants she was encouraged by the outcome of the talks and looked forward to future engagement.

She outlined the State’s intended report to the UN and received suggestions from the NGO community on matters related to discrimination by ethnicity

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