CCF welcomes independent investigation in Soko’s case

The Citizens’ Constitutional Forum (CCF) commends the independent and thorough investigations carried out by the Fiji Police Force over the death of VilikesaSoko.

The announcement by the Director of Public Prosecutions to charge eight police officers and one military personnelin relation to Soko’s death serves justice to the Soko family, and is an indication of an independent investigation. The CCF is confident that similar investigations are carried out in all cases of human rights violations. .

As defenders of human rights, the CCF anticipates the end ofinhumane treatment of people by and within the disciplinary forces.

Section 11 of the Bill of Rights in the Fijian Constitution clearly states that every person has right to freedom from cruel and degrading treatment. This is a law, must be upheld by all people and institutionsregardless of their status in society. Fiji is a signatory to the Universal Declaration of Human Rights (UDHR), whichcreates an essential commitment by the State to prevent and protect anyone subjected to forms of torture, cruel, inhuman or degrading treatment or punishment.

The CCF acknowledges the steps government has taken to realise a shift into modern and transparent police procedures.The CCF calls on governmentto finalise theratification of the United Nations Convention Against Torture (UNCAT) to further their commitment in the implementation of international standards in Fiji.

For further information contact the CCF’s Communications Officer on email or call (679) 3308379.


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