CCF undertakes dialouge on land issues in Labasa

Postdate: 16/ 03/ 2011

The Citizens Constitutional Forum will bring together key land stakeholders to a dialogue workshop in Labasa starting tomorrow Thursday 17th to Friday 18th March, 2011.

Following one in Lautoka last year this is the second of a series of Land Workshop using the Dialogue format that will bring together 16 participants comprised  of  landowners, tenants, Government representatives such as the Land Use Unit, the Native Land Trust Board and also the office of the Commissioner Northern.

According to CCF CEO Reverend Akuila Yabaki, “the workshops are significant as it allows safe space for all the key stakeholders to share views frankly especially under the current land reforms.”

Historically, CCF has played an active role in awareness, education and advocacy having convened the following workshops since 2002:

  1. Sorokoba Land Workshop 3rd April, 2002 the National Land Workshop under the theme “What are Good Land Policies for Fiji for the 21st Century?” on the 20th of July, 2002;
  2. Sigatoka Land Workshop 31st January 2004;
  3. Ra Land Workshop 19th November, 2004;
  4. Labasa Land Workshop 18th August, 2006
  5. Lautoka Dialogue on land Use  15th -16th November, 2010
  6. Labasa Dialogue on Land Use 17th-18th March, 2011 (Current)

The dialogue workshop allows key stakeholders a space to speak, to listen to each other, to form partnerships and also to share views on the way forward.

For more information, Members of the media are welcome to contact members of the CCF team and participants where the workshop programme allows at the Friendly North Inn.

For all enquiries please contact the CCF Office and speak to Lucrisha Nair at 3308 379 for more information.

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