CCF Think Tank on Racial Discrimination

YOUNG, vibrant minds gathered in Suva last week to discuss the changing face of racial discrimination in Fiji.

Under the auspices of the CCF Think Tank on Racial Discrimination, activists, journalists, radio personalities and administrators discussed incidents in which people were marginalized or attacked because of ethnicity.

The Think Tank was convened by the CCF Research Team to provide information which will be used in the Shadow Report on the International Convention for the Elimination of Racial Discrimination.

In 2008, UN member-nations tabled ICERD Reports which detailed their intentions and strategies to end discrimination.

January 2012 is the deadline for State reports on ICERD to be tabled and NGOs will review the work of government before preparing shadow reports.

It is expected that the Bainimarama Government will highlight a number of policies including the “Fijian” common name and the removal of race from school names as positive steps taken in the ICERD area.

The CCF is the coordinating NGO organization in Fiji and will oversee the compilation of the ICERD Shadow Report which should be tabled by May 2012.

If you have witnessed ethnic discrimination or have concerns about discriminatory policies, rules or laws, let us know at or and make a contribution to the next ICERD Shadow Report.

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