CCF Concerned at CMAG Decision


CCF is concerned at the Commonwealth’s decision on 28th April 2011, for Fiji’s continued suspension from the Commonwealth.

Whilst CCF acknowledges the confirmed commitment by Fiji’s Prime Minister Voreqe Bainimarama that Fiji’s elections will be held in 2014, CCF also urges Government of Fiji to take concrete steps toward restoring democracy, respecting human rights and upholding the rule of law, in line with Commonwealth values and principles. With the general acceptance of the 2014 timeline for elections in Fiji, the CCF urges the Commonwealth to consider providing technical support towards Fiji’s transition to democratic elections.

We call on government to make the progress already made towards restoring civilian constitutional democracy in Fiji more visible.

The first step is for Government of Fiji to lift the PER  and for this CCF  is requesting government to convene urgent consultation with stakeholders  so that government can present its case in order to ensure cooperation , goodwill and trust removal of fears on both sides and ensuring respect the human rights of all its people.

CCF is encouraged by current moves already taking place and in process between government and all other stakeholders to engage, in good faith in efforts toward an inclusive, independent and unrestricted national dialogue on Fiji’s political future.


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