Call for Independent and Thorough Investigation – Alleged Prison Assault

The Citizens’ Constitutional Forum (CCF) calls for an immediate investigation on the alleged assault of a 20 year old remand prisoner at the Suva Remand Centre as reported by the Fiji Times on 19 July 2019.

Prison Bars

The CCF has been notified of the circumstances surrounding the allegations made and we call for an independent and thorough investigation to be carried out without delay. We urge the Fiji Corrections Service and the Fiji Police Force to work swiftly with the Fiji Human Rights and Anti- Discrimination Commission in combating human rights violations of torture or cruel and degrading treatment.

The Constitution of the Republic of Fiji 2013 under section 11 guarantees every person the freedom from cruel and degrading treatment. Fiji has also ratified the United Nations Convention Against Torture (with reservations). It is understandable that those in remand centers await the determination of their cases however, no one including remandees should be subjected to torture or cruel and degrading treatment and the laws of Fiji reflects this.
We note that there are untold stories of torture and cruel or degrading treatment that some in Fiji have suffered or are still suffering and we encourage families and victims to talk to relevant authorities or civil society organizations that can provide advice or assistance. These types of behaviours take away the dignities of the victims.

The CCF welcomes the investigations carried out by the Fiji Police Force and the Fiji Human Rights and Anti-Discrimination Commission and hopes that those found guilty in the assault allegations will be taken to task immediately.

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