“Scratching the Surface”: A base line survey on the state of Human Rights, Good Governance and Citizenship.

Results of a recent survey conducted by the Citizens’ Constitutional Forum in the three target provinces of Tailevu, Naitasiri and Ra reveals that significant ground has been made through our advocacy program to change attitudes on issues of good governance, human rights and citizenship.

Titled “Scratching the Surface”, the baseline survey was designed to look at the effects of human rights, good governance and citizenship workshops in the communities.

“Research results are mixed but basically validate the need for continued advocacy on the three issues in order to build an inclusive society which acts responsibly and recognizes the rights of all,” stated CCF CEO Reverend Akuila Yabaki.

“The comprehensive research, funded by the UNDP Pacific Center for Strengthening Capacities for Peace and Development Small Grants, also shows, however, that many strong views remain on a perceived special status for the I-Taukei says Reverend Yabaki.

The outcomes and findings of CCF’s Community Education Baseline Survey 2011 will be presented to civil society organizations, government officials, civil servants from the three provinces and educators at a two day workshop at the Salvation Army Headquarters from Thursday September 29th to Friday September 30th.

“It is vital that stakeholders who conduct civic education on the overarching principles of human rights, can effectively monitor and evaluate the impacts and outputs of their education programs to be able to pinpoint areas which require further work in the process of nation building,” stated Yabaki.

“No single organization can achieve this alone, and a collaborative approach is needed in this nation building process.

CCF invites media organizations to cover the event. Attached is the programme for the workshop


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