Reply to Jo Gonewai 21st May Fiji Sun
Postdate: 23/ 08/ 2007
The Editor
Fiji Sun
Fax: 3309469
Dear Sir,
I refer to the letter by Joe Gonewai in Fiji Sun (18/05/07) on ‘Self-styled guru’.
Contrary to what Joe Gonewai states, the Citizens’ Constitutional Forum (CCF) has been a very vocal critique of the December 5 2006. The Press Statements and letters to Editor by CCF on this issue have been published on many occasions in Fiji’s daily newspapers and aired on local radio and television.
The CCF has also voiced concern against the contents of the report released by the Fiji Human Rights Commission on the December 5 2006 coup, in a Press Statement that was published by the daily newspapers.
Since its inception in 1991, CCF has been conducting educational and advocacy work on the constitution, democracy and human rights in Fiji.
We encourage Joe Gonewai to visit the CCF website (, so he can better familiarise himself with our work.
Rev Akuila Yabaki