National Identity
Postdate: 31/ 12/ 2007
The Editor
Fiji Sun
Suva .
Dear Editor,
Once again we are stuck with national identity.
How often have we heard politicians with the same message that amongst millions in the world there are only 500,000 people born as bona fide members of this country. By definition bona fide members are those who are genuine as separate from those who are not. Kinivuwai has instituted his own apartheid policy. He excludes any person who is born in Fiji and chosen to make Fiji home as a non- bona fide Fijian. One could name many who have chosen to stay making invaluable contribution to a better future.
Kinivuwai’s predecessors in the SDL party showed lack of transparency and discredited for alleged corruptive practices. Kinivuwai is set on the same path of continuing the same game of politicization. Fijian ethnic interests are protected within the Constitution and by the respect accorded to indigenous Fijians by others out of goodwill. What exactly does Kinivuwai mean by things being trampled upon which could lead to indigenous Fijians being changed for the worse?
Kinivuwai says , “Fijian traditional system did not believe in court processes. We believe in sitting down over a tanoa of grog and reconciling differences in this process.”
I suggest that in the lead up to 2009 Election SDL enter into partnership with CCF in helping to provide education and awareness amongst the village communities about constitutional safeguards for Fijian interests. Once villagers have learnt about the truth of their supremely based security, the same people should make demands on their leaders to stop the politicization of Fijian interests which can ignite the fire of communalism. Genuine freedom of expression will not be achieved as long as indigenous Fijians remain in the dark about their constitutional rights.
Rev. Akuila Yabaki