CCF observes International Peace Day


Every 21st of September the world commemorates the International Day of Peace.

It is the day where we remember and reflect on the degree of peace that we have in our society

This year’s theme “the Sustainable Development Goals: Building blocks for Peace” is integral to achieving peace in our time, as development and peace are interdependent and mutually reinforcing.

The Citizens’ Constitutional Forum strongly advocates for peace and multiculturalism through Civic education and advocacy that is targeted to educate and increase individuals’ knowledge about democracy, multiculturalism and human rights.

“Fiji enjoys a relatively peaceful state of affairs but there is always room for improvement, especially so in the protection and promotion of fundamental freedoms and rights related to defining the limitations categorically justified as national security,” CCF CEO Sara Bulutani Mataitawakilai said.

CCF calls on political leaders to promote a diverse and unified nation, for religious leaders to strengthen messages of forgiveness and reconciliation, for civil society leaders to advocate for racial tolerance and awareness, and for each Fijian to embrace and celebrate multiculturalism.

CCF hopes to work together with relevant stakeholders to further improve and maintain peace in Fiji.

Vinaka & Thank you,

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